
Danny Wilson
President & CEO

Danny Wilson

Danny Wilson founded Pixelmetrix in May 1999, and has since remained at the helm as President & CEO.

Wilson began his management career at Hewlett-Packard, Canada.  He was the Business Manager of HP’s Communication Measurement Division, responsible for the introduction of the MPEGScope Transport Stream Analyzer and the world’s first ATM/B-ISDN Test System.  He later went on to HP Japan, where he established and managed its Asia Business Centre – leading the development of the world’s first multi-port network monitoring system, implemented throughout Japan by NTT.

In 2007, he was appointed to the ITU-T/IPTV-FG Performance Monitoring/Quality of Service workgroup, during which he served as the Editor for two years. Currently, he is a member of the IPTV workgroup in Singapore.

His contributions to several broadcast publications include IPTV and End-to-End Monitoring editorials, as well as a glossary of IPTV jargon. With the advent of Over-the-Top (OTT) TV, he also published a white paper on QoE/QoS Metrics for OTT Television to address the fundamental understanding and practices for managing delivery quality.
Wilson is a frequent speaker at broadcast technology conferences and educational conventions in North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific.

Born in Edmonton, Canada, Wilson holds a Computer Engineering Degree from the University of Alberta.


Pixelmetrix specializes in preventive monitoring for digital television networks. Our array of Test, Measurement & Monitoring systems define a new generation of tools and techniques for the quality control of broadcast signals and content.

Pixelmetrix provides network intelligence implements and systems to television broadcasters and telecom operators for the management and monitoring of broadcast quality of service and quality of experience. We tie technological expertise from the broadcast, telecom and IT sectors to provide innovative, award-winning and cost-effective solutions worldwide.

Our products employ parallel processing, highly scalable architecture which enables service providers to move beyond today’s manual, human-based monitoring of service quality to a fully automated and distributed large-scale monitoring system.

Pixelmetrix is a member of DVB, NAB, IABM, SCTE, SMPTE and the ITU’s Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG). The company was founded in May 1999 and is headquartered in Singapore.


To provide tools, infrastructure and services to organizations in the Digital Video World, which enable the creation of new products and services while optimizing the quality and integrity of video service delivery, and reducing operating expenses.


Mailing Address

Ang Mo Kio Central Post Office
PO Box 899
Singapore 915614

Tel: +65 6547 4935