House of Worship Video SolutionsA growing trend in the modern House of Worship is the shared worship experience among geographically separated congregations. Extremely high production values, multi-camera high definition programs, and multi-channel audio are all needed on a near-real time basis by the remote campuses. The DVStor Transport Stream Recorder provides multiple simultaneous delays of a multiplexed program with an easy to use interface.
DVStor Multiple Campus Delay SystemA variable delay of the integrated program from the main campus that is controlled by the remote campus is a better solution. This lets remote operators present the main message easily and naturally with the flow of the local service. The Pixelmetrix DVStor2 has been enhanced with new functionality to provide just this capability for such House of Worship applications. In this solution, multiple video feeds and multiple audio are multiplexed to form a single transport stream which is recorded on the DVStor. Each remote campus can log in to the DVStor and establish a separate delayed playback session. Program delays as short as ten seconds or as long as several hours can easily be established, and each playback session is independent from the others as well as from the recording itself. Because control and operations functions for House of Worship applications is often staffed by volunteer operators (who only work once or twice a week), simplicity of design is essential. The DVStor House of Worship playout system uses a simple and straightforward GUI which enables operators to easily "queue up" programming from the central campus for playout. Content to play at each remote site can be live content that has been delayed for a few minutes (like pressing pause on your PVR) or it can also be pre-recorded clips or content from previous weeks – ready for a "repeat performance".
Playout and Recording Solutions